SOMEONE to Save you?

“Relax and be with your life AS IT IS! – STOP this incessant searching and crying for some fool to save you…You are saved! Shut Up! (fall silent) and BE Happy!…and if you can’t be happy, then complain about not being happy, and if you can’t complain, go have a cookie…just move along without analyzing everything you think, say or do…just move along from one moment to the next…

May 1 at 10:02am ·  · 

Betsy Herman

Betsy Herman 

I just had a cookie about an hour and a half ago… vegan, with pecans and chocolate chips… and then a slice of pizza with artichoke hearts and feta on it…. thank you!
May 1 at 10:31am ·  · 
Nancey Gagos

Nancey Gagos 

You said it Sister! Right on time too! I’m so loving loving you!
May 1 at 10:53am ·  · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

Some people often think of food as their last “challenge” that they have to conquer before they’re finally in control. Let me be the first to SMASH that delusional concept. When food goes, YOU GO…From my experience it’s one of the last desires that LEAVES YOU before you check out………….and still with your dying breath you may still ask for a hot fudge sundae.

This fight that people have with food is heartbreaking to watch, because it so seems that we should be able to control it and yet………we just can’t. All you have to do is check out Oprah with all her money and all her trainers and al her everything and she still can’t control what she puts in her mouth.

Food is usually associated with life. You eat, you live. If you associate it with control then you get all the weird symptoms of food control, anorexia, bulimia etc.

Fortunately I’ve always considered myself a dyslexic anorexic. In other words, I’m big & ZAFTIG and I look in the mirror and I see a perfectly shaped model. GUESS I’M ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES & my dyslexia has come in handy.

May 1 at 10:54am ·  · 
Monica Khanna

Monica Khanna 

like yesterday i was made to realize….EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING….stay with the happening what say u dvohraji….wud love to meet u next time u in India darling…
May 1 at 10:59am ·  · 
Mahima Gabriel

Mahima Gabriel 

As for food, I would have to say …. I do enjoy it, but it’s more I eat to live, not live to eat. Likely if I could take a pill that took care of my body’s needs ….. I would not eat much …. it would be way simpler:) I still would want an apple or a mango, or cookies with tea sometimes ….. and maybe a hot fudge sundae a couple times a year 🙂 Feel for myself and some other people …. well we all have different ‘challenges’ ….. I know quite a few women who can’t seem to let the ‘mother’ role go !! I feel I still (at times) want to know what I will do when I grow up !! What my purpose is and what PROJECT should I be working on !! I also would like a Mr. Saturday Night, and maybe he could come on Wednesdays, too ….. depending 🙂 Tonight is booked and I am grateful for that ….. and Wednesday was too 🙂 lol !! but, that was just THIS week ….. it is not consistent YET – But, what the hell is ….. it’s LIFE and nothing is consistent except ‘not knowing’ anything !!! ♥
May 1 at 11:19am ·  · 
Mary Bellamy

Mary Bellamy 

I`m off to get a cookie!
May 1 at 11:29am ·  · 
Dawn Conrad Poulos Meyer

Dawn Conrad Poulos Meyer 

This is from Dr. Hew Len of Ho’oponopono: ” Before I eat anything say in my mind:
‘I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! If I am bringing anything into this situation that would cause me to feel ill/fat as I am eating you, it’s not you! It’s not even me! It’s something that triggers that I am willing to be responsible for!’ I LOVE YOU – then enjoy the meal because it’s now cleaned.”
May 1 at 12:51pm ·  · 
Marguerite Carstairs

May 1 at 1:27pm ·  · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

Personally I get tired of all the TRICKS that give me permission to eat food, or cleanse my food. To me they are just more thoughts trying to fix it all. I don’t need to clean my food, fix my food, make it holy or worth eating it. I’m not trying to change it’s vibration so it makes me “feel responsible or thin or ill or fat. I’m tired of MANIPULATING my life PERIOD. Why? Because its just plain NONSENSE!

I don’t believe in positive thinking, or begging to make my life or anyone else’s better. Sometimes a natural prayer arises and I’m thankful for everything including the piece of chocolate cake that’s sitting in front of me or that great plate of vegetables.

A Simple THANK YOU is always enough. If YOU want to do more, great, what could it hurt. But all this talk/and begging and pleading and loving nonsense to make it all OK – IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST ILLUSION. BECAUSE no matter how many times you say “I LOvE YOU”, the fact that you’ll still get that sugar/diabetic attack after you eat that donut, or a rash after those strawberries – will assure you that you are full of “positive I love you” Shi@!@@@@!

May 1 at 1:46pm ·  · 
Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone 

I’m just plain sick of thinking there is something wrong with me. So over it.
May 1 at 2:52pm ·  · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

The trick of course – is to get plain sick and tired of thinking” there is something wrong with everyone else toooo! Just don’t hang out with them!
May 1 at 2:54pm ·  · 
Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone 

Haha yes!! We are all perfect. Sometimes perfectly insane, and that is grace too.
May 1 at 2:58pm ·  · 
Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone 

I’m physically fat and have tried all sorts of food phobias over the years, but lately I feel like a thin woman and I can’t be bothered.

I have a friend who was trying to ‘fix’ my thoughts the other day by doing some mirror work, and while she was trying to get me to dig around in my sludge, I kept looking in this mirror and getting distracted by how pretty I am.

It’s an illusion, I’m sure of it.

It’s great. I feel free. Hand me a coke.

May 1 at 3:06pm ·  · 

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